Puno: Policemen accused of raping a woman in Macusani are arrested (El Bujo [Spanish] - 4-06-2023

Puno: Policemen accused of raping a woman in Macusani are arrested (Spanish) 

Four police officers would be detained for a violent sexual assault that occurred in an abandoned police station.  The Interior Minister confirmed the news.

The Peruvian National Police (PNP) station Macusani where the assault occurred had only reopened five days earlier after violent clashes between police and indigenous Aymara community.

Peru's Minister of the Interior, Vicente Romero, reported yesterday that three police officers were arrested and accused of allegedly raping a young woman:

“Three policemen had accompanied a lady to a nightclub. After having fun, one of them invited her to get into his vehicle and when they were passing the police station, which at the time was set on fire by the social protests, he took her to this place, where after being outraged... the mayor learned and denounced these facts. The commissioner has immediately acted and arrested these policemen”.

Interior Minister Vincinte Romero

However, a few hours later, RPP reported that, according to police sources, four police officers had been detained for being involved in the sexual assault against the young woman.

RPP reported: “These are the third class noncommissioned officers Álvaro Apaza Cutipa (28), Timo Ccanque Aquise (26), Antony Aliaga Córdoba (28), as well as the second class noncommissioned officer Fredy Payihuanca Pinto (30), who will be investigated for the alleged commission of the crime against freedom in its modality of rape, to the detriment of the woman. ”

Tags: #Puno, #Macusani, #PNP 


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