UN demands information from Peru on human rights violations (Epicentro TV [Spanish] - 2/28/2023)

UN demands information from Peru on human rights violations (Spanish)

Anuska Buenaluque and Clara Elvira Ospina Garzón

After 60 deaths in the context of the protests against the government of Dina Boluarte, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has expressed its concern over the allegations of abuses and limitations of rights and demanded specific information from the Peruvian government about the investigations and the actions taken.

First page of letter to Ambassador Luis Chuquihuara, Permanent Representative of Peru to the United Nations offices in Geneva. 

In a confidential communication addressed to the Permanent Representative of Peru to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Ambassador Luis Chuquihuara, eight commissioners of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urged the Peruvian government to not later Within 60 days, provide accurate information on serious events reported to that office related to human rights violations, excessive use of force, arbitrary detentions, forced disappearances, stigmatization of the protest, harassment, and "terruqueo" of human rights defenders and journalists , as well as abusive use of the term “terrorism”.

The 21-page document, obtained by Epicentro.TV, is dated February 24. The signatory commissioners urged the government to suspend the actions of excessive use of force, attribute credibility to the complaints they have received, and requests that the government deliver a detailed report answering each of the points of concern.

The document says: "We issue this appeal to safeguard the rights of people who are exercising their rights to association and peaceful demonstration and to freedom of thought and conscience, in order to protect their rights from possible irreparable damage."

The report urges the government of President Dina Boluarte to “provide detailed information on the investigations and judicial inquiry into the alleged homicides during the demonstrations. Please include information on the current status of the investigation, to what extent the investigations conform to international and scientific standards applicable in cases of potentially unlawful deaths.”

The Peruvian government must also send “information on the measures taken to put an end to all kinds of persecution and stigmatization against people who exercise their right to protest. In particular, regarding the stigmatizing speeches and the use of the term "terruco" against protesters and human rights defenders, taking into account the historical context of Peru." “It was reported that the operational police and military response to the protests is accompanied by the official discourse that indicates 'being at war', and that describes the people who protest as 'enemies' or 'terrorists', which has served to justify an offensive action by the Armed Forces”.

The United Nations requests "information on the legislation, current policies and training programs to prevent the use of force during demonstrations, guarantees of non-repetition and compliance with relevant international standards, including the Code of Conduct for officials in charge of enforcing the law and basic principles on the use of force and firearms by law enforcement officials”.

The government should also send “more detailed information on the powers granted to law enforcement agencies in the context of peaceful protests (…) and the measures that have been taken to ensure that surveillance is carried out in accordance with the law, using only those measures that are necessary and proportionate in a democratic society.

The report refers to a case of possible forced disappearance, which is why they are requesting information about this complaint and the mechanisms that have been applied for the arrest, transfer, and information to the relatives of those detained in the context of the protests.

The United Nations receives with special concern the reports of physical and verbal attacks on journalists by agents of the security forces and protesters and emphasizes the statement from the Ministry of the Interior that urges citizens to denounce the "apology of terrorism" in social networks: "We believe that encouraging the reporting of vaguely defined actions and far from the principle of legal certainty are likely to contribute to the increase in arbitrary detentions," he says.

The report also expresses its concern about reports of police raids without respect for the procedural guarantees that are established in the international standards contemplated in the treaties that the Peruvian State has signed.

The February 24, 2023, United Nations letter gives the Peruvian government a period of 60 days to respond to the extensive questionnaire and warns that "after this period has elapsed, this communication and any response received from Her Excellency's Government will be made public through the reports and communications website.

The report concludes that the complaints they have received warrant immediate attention. "In addition, we consider that public opinion has to be informed about the potential implications related to the above-mentioned allegations."

This report should already be in the hands of Foreign Minister Ana Cecilia Gervasi, Prime Minister Alberto Otárola and President Dina Boluarte.

Tags: #ONU #Peru #DDHH


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